Water Revival System™ - Under-Counter (WRS-UC5)
Water Revival System™ - Under-Counter (WRS-UC5)
Water Revival System™ - Under-Counter (WRS-UC5)

Water Revival System™ - Under-Counter (WRS-UC5)

Water Revival System™ - Under-Counter (WRS-UC5)

Regular price $2,199.00

For a limited time only, celebrate 20 years of PristineHydro with us and get your Water Revival System for just $1,949! Discount added at checkout.*


  • Built-in water pressure gauge
  • Extra built-in filters
  • Easier access to top filters for replacements
  • Faster flow-rate.




  • Proudly made in the USA
  • Includes complete "standard" installation kit
  • Ceramic disk faucet
  • Approximately one year until first filter change
  • Water Storage Tank holds up to 3.2 gallons 
  • TDS meter to check water quality and monitor filter-life
  • Requires plumber or handyman installation


Filter Assembly: H 19.5" x W 14.5" x D 9"
Water Storage Tank Assembly: H 16" x D 11" 

33 lbs

*Valid until March 31

Learn more about the PristineHydro® Under-Counter WATER REVIVAL SYSTEM™


My installer has questions about installing the Under-Counter system; where can I find help?

Please remember that the Under-Counter system is designed to be installed by a licensed professional plumber; we do not recommend self-installation. Your system comes with a detailed step-by-step Installation Manual with pictures and diagrams. If your installer has questions, contact us at support@pristinehydro.com or call us so we can guide you in!

Do you have a list of all the chemicals that your Water Revival System™ filters out?

Yes! Take a look at our latest comprehensive report: Certificate of Analysis August 2024 to view all specific chemicals and minerals filtered out by our Water Revival Systems™. ALSO - We just completed a special report focused on the identification of 18 plastic compounds (PFAS Contamination):Certificate of Analysis July 2022

What are the minerals included in this "properly mineralized process that you speak of?

Our unique filtration process includes stages that help increase the benefits of this ultra-filtered water, including remineralization with low controlled TDS comprised of magnesium bicarbonate with traces of calcium and sodium bicarbonate, as well as silica and chloride. The water is naturally restructured and recharged through Coconut Carbon filtration, lodestones, and crystal quartz.

Does your Water Revival System™ have high water waste when using reverse osmosis to filter water?

PristineHydro® utilizes a High-Efficiency Reverse Osmosis Membrane that has a waste-to-recovery rate of 1 to 1, a very high-efficiency rate. The ratio for Water Ionizers is about 1 to 3; it's hard to imagine using such acidic wastewater, which should not even come into contact with human skin.

Is the water from this PristineHydro® Water Revival System™ safe for pets to drink?

Yes absolutely! Dogs, cats, and birds can enjoy every drop of Pristine water. However, we do not recommend this for reptiles or fish tanks as they need certain minerals beneficial to their species that are not present in our remineralized water.

A part arrived broken; how do I get it replaced?

If, for some reason, a piece of the system came broken or required a replacement, don't hesitate to contact us during store hours via email (preferred) or by phone. Provide your name, order number, shipping address, and a description and picture of the broken part that needs replacement.

When should I expect to be replacing my Water Revival System™ filters?

Most customers prefer to replace filters proactively to maintain PRISTINEHYDRO® water quality standards rather than wait for complete filter component degradation. Average Service Life is based on “normal” usage and average feed water quality. Actual filter life will vary with the frequency of use, total volume produced, and, most importantly, source water quality. If you are a heavy user or your water supply is of below-average quality, you may need to replace filters more frequently. We recommend periodically checking your system’s output water TDS and regularly replacing filters to maintain high system performance. CLICK HERE to view our recommended Filter Replacement schedule by Water Revival System™ type. You can purchase your specific replacement filters on our Website.

After I purchase, what if I have technical issues with your Water Revival System™, is there a go-to protocol for this?

Great question, if you or your installer has any technical issues with your Water Revival System™, check out our Troubleshooting Guide.

What is the note on page two of your comprehensive certificate of analysis re: Surrogates referring to?

These are chemicals that the testing company puts into the sampling bottles that preserve water. They act as a surrogate to carry any potential plastics that may be hiding within the water. Link to our Latest Analysis in case you've yet to download.

Under-Counter WATER REVIVAL SYSTEM™ Product Features

• Step-by-Step Installation Manual 

• Proudly made in the USA

• Approximately one year until the first filter change

• Precision OVERSIZED water saver filters 

• Pentair encapsulated membrane for easy replacement

• Aquatec Permeate-Pump enhances system performance  

• John Guest quick connect fittings with locking clips

• Quality installation kit includes a chrome-finished ceramic disk faucet

• Water storage tank holds up to 3.2 gallons @ 7 psi

• TDS meter to check water quality and monitor filter-life

• Requires plumber or handyman installation


Filter Assembly: H 18.5" x W 16" x D 7"

Water Storage Tank Assembly: H 16" x D 11" 

PristineHydro® Under-Counter WATER REVIVAL SYSTEM™ Product Features Product Maintenance

The Pentair encapsulated 75 gpd rated high volume High-Efficiency Reverse Osmosis Membranes has a waste to recovery rate of 1:1, which means that for every one gallon of water that is made, one gallon goes down the drain. 

Note: Most reverse osmosis systems have a waste to recovery rate of five to one, meaning that five go down the drain for every gallon made.

Many people like proactively changing filters to maintain high system performance rather than waiting for degradation. 

We suggest changing the 5 Micron, KDF + Carbon every 12 months and the Deionization filters every 24 months, depending on usage and the TDS of the source water. 

The High-Efficiency Reverse Osmosis Membrane and Remineralization cartridge (which includes the Coconut Carbon stage) should be changed every 36 months; again, it depends on usage and the TDS of the source water.

All of our PristineHydro® Revival Systems have a Flush Valve, which dramatically extends the life of the High-Efficiency Reverse Osmosis Membrane. 

Once a month (depending on usage, more often if you are making a lot of water), open the Flush Valve for 2-3 minutes while the unit makes water. When you open the Flush Valve, you should hear a flushing sound; this flushes out deposits in the membrane.

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