Understand Why PristineHydro® Electrolyte Balance® Was Created
Magnesium & Calcium Bicarbonate are complex hydrated electrolyte salts that exist only in water under specific conditions. Powders and tablets are not in bicarbonate form, thus not bio-available.
Silicic Acid is the fully hydrated and oxygenated tetrahedron form of Silica that occurs naturally in water.
Silicic Acid is a dietary requirement for all mammals that drink fresh water. It also weighs in as the third most abundant mineral in the human body, making up 1 gram. Silicic Acid promotes collagen production, improves joints, bone, hair, and nails, protects skin from the adverse effects of aging, preserves dental health, and stimulates digestion.
Studies have shown regular consumption of water containing Silicic Acid can reduce aluminum uptake from the digestive tract, slowing the accumulation of this harmful metal in brain tissue.
According to Mt. Sinai, 90% of Americans have a Magnesium deficiency. Being Magnesium deficient is synonymous with diabetes and many cardiovascular problems. Magnesium Bicarbonate is known to reduce insomnia, headaches, and inflammation. It also aids with memory, focus, and relaxation.
The body does not store excess Magnesium Bicarbonate, and thus, must be replenished daily. Electrolyte Balance® effectively replenishes Magnesium reserves while delivering the added benefits of Silicic Acid.

Electrolyte Balance® Powder FAQs by Our Favorite Customers!

Why does the Powder cost more than the Liquid?

This is a 90-Day Supply!
Note: Many of our professional / competitive athletes prefer the powder to the liquid as it's more travel ready... and for those who're pushing themselves harder than most - they're taking a couple scoops / day... our body get's depleted of magnesium easy via over-exersion... stress... caffeine intake... sugar... even excessive protein consumption. Chronic conditions such as diabetes, poor absorption, chronic diarrhea, and celiac disease are also associated with magnesium loss. People with alcohol use disorder are also at an increased risk of deficiency!
I don't have a PristineHydro® Water Revival System™; what kind of water can I take with Electrolyte Balance® Powder Formula?

If you don't have access to PristineHydro® water, we recommend using the best (clean, high pH) water you can find. If you don't have a carbonation machine, you'll want to pick one up; some excellent soda machine options here (i.e., SodaStream). A great quick solution is buying a box of sparkling mineral water; the site VeryWellFit has an excellent review of sparkling water options based on quality and pricing. Note: It is not necessary to use a carbonation machine or sparkling water with our liquid Electrolyte Balance®.
Are both the powder and liquid Electrolyte Balance® products carbonated?

No ,they are not; the powder requires carbonated water to activate, and the liquid has already achieved the reaction and therefore is not carbonated.
Is there a difference between the liquid and powdered version?

The effect is the same from both versions of the product. Our Electrolyte Balance® powder is designed to be mixed with carbonated water, while the liquid Electrolyte Balance® is to be taken with non-carbonated, preferably PristineHydro® water, or the cleanest water you have access to. The key benefit of the powder is its long shelf life and portability vs. transporting liquid.
Can a child take the usual dosage?

The average adult dosage is 1-2 oz a day; for a child, it would be a half dosage; however, we recommend you consult your pediatrician as to what's best, especially for children five years of age and younger.
Is Electrolyte Balance® safe for pregnant women?

Many of our expecting mothers have told us that Electrolyte Balance® has helped with their cramps, morning sickness, and sleep; we recommend you ask your doctor what's best for you.
I'm a competitive athlete that has to abide by strict competition rules, is this product approved by WADA, USADA, and other Professional/Olympic Drug Testing organizations?

Yes! We've recently completed the in-depth testing/certification program with BSCG. PristineHydro® is committed to quality control above and beyond dietary supplement standards... Our Electrolyte Balance® Powder and Liquid are certified for use by anyone concerned about product approval within their respective sport testing program/organization.
Where can I find more information regarding the BSCG Certified Drug Free® Certification for PristineHydro® Electrolyte Balance®?

The BSCG Certified Drug Free® program tests each lot for BSCG’s industry-leading drug-testing menu covering more than 491 banned substances, including 287 on the WADA Prohibited List and 204 other illicit, OTC, or prescription drugs. Our testing covers more drugs banned in sport than any other program in the world and is the only one to add coverage for drugs not banned in sport for additional health and regulatory protection. The WADA Prohibited List governs Olympic sport and also serves as a model for sport federations, professional sport leagues, and military/vocational drug-testing programs, which ban many of the compounds on the WADA Prohibited List. As a result, BSCG’s industry-leading drug-testing menu offers security to athletes and professionals across the spectrum of WADA, NFL, MLB, NHL, NBA, WNBA, PGA, LPGA, MLS, ATP, WTA, FIFA, FINA, AFL, NRL, NASCAR, UFC, CrossFit, NCAA, military, law enforcement, and other drug testing programs.
For more information, you can visit the PristineHydro® ElectrolyteBalance® BSCG Certification page on BSCG.org.
How to Integrate Electrolyte Balance® into Your Daily Routine
Add ½ scoop (1/2 teaspoon/1.03g) to 16 oz of high-quality carbonated water, cap immediately, shake thoroughly, and allow carbonation to fully dissipate before consuming.
Depending on the amount of CO2 that escapes during the addition of Electrolyte Balance®, there may be a small amount of unreacted Magnesium in the bottom of the container. This is typical. Don’t worry about it.
Optimal serving size varies based on individual body size, activity level, and health. A standard daily serving is ½ scoop (1/2 teaspoon/1.03g).
Consume your daily serving throughout the day, straight, or added to PristineHydro water or other very high quality drinking water. Individual needs may vary.

Magnesium & Magnesium Bicarbonate FAQ:

Why do I need magnesium bicarbonate?

Magnesium bicarbonate is necessary for the “spark of life”. The brain and the heart which both produce lots of magneto-electrical activity are very sensitive to levels of magnesium bicarbonate.
Why is bicarbonate so important in the body?

Bicarbonate is a substance called a base, which the body needs to help keep a normal acid-base (pH) balance. This balance prevents your body from becoming too acidic, which can cause many health problems. The lungs and kidneys keep a normal blood pH by removing excess acid (via Kidney.org).
What does magnesium bicarbonate do for the body?

It helps to maintain normal nerve and muscle function, plays a role in bone growth, supports the energy metabolism and helps in the maintenance of a normal balance in water and mineral concentrations in the human body.
When should I take magnesium bicarbonate?

Start by drinking 4oz of the ElectrolyteBalance® Magnesium Bicarbonate water on an empty stomach over a 20 minute period twice a day. The magnesium bicarbonate is very alkaline so avoid drinking it with food because it will neutralize your stomach acid affecting digestion.
Does magnesium bicarbonate lower blood pressure?

Magnesium plays an important role in keeping your heart healthy and strong. In fact, studies show that magnesium supplements can help lower high blood pressure levels, which may be a risk factor for heart disease via (PubMed.Gov).
I've read that magnesium helps with solving sleep disorders, is this true?

There are many studies showing the positive impact magnesium supplements have on sleeping disorders. Making it easier to fall asleep and improve sleep quality. Magnesium plays such an important role within the nervous system, helping to activate mechanisms that quiet and calm you. It has also been shown to help relieve anxiety and depression, which can interfere with sleep. NOTE: The majority of the studies conducted have been done on older adults, so like most all things - there is always room for continued research on the matter. If you have difficulties sleeping and are looking for something that solves PRECISELY this one thing; definitely consult your private practitioner or trusted physician who knows you intimately; your health history and any other dynamics within your personal life that may be contributing to this matter.
How does Electrolyte Balance® help with this issue and Is magnesium bicarbonate, specifically good for people like me who have difficulties sleeping?

Re: Why Electrolyte Balance® OR Why Magnesium Bicarbonate? The benefits above are benefits of MAGNESIUM (not exclusive to Magnesium Bicarbonate); Mag Bicarbonate is just the most bio-available form of Magnesium, but any way you can effectively get Magnesium into your body will deliver the same results…